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My dearest boy.
This assure you of my immortal, my eternal love for you. Tomorrow all will be over. If prison and dishonour be my destiny, think that my love for you and this idea, this still more divine belief, that you love me in return will sustain me in my unhappiness and will make me capable, I hope, of bearing my grief most patiently. Since the hope, nay rather the certainty of meeting you again in some world is the goal and the encouragement of my present life,ah!...I must continue to live in this world because of that.Dear... came to see me today.I gave him several messages for you. He told me one thing that reassured me: that my mother should never want for anything. I have always provided for her subsistence, and the thought taht she might have to suffer privations was making me unhappy. As for you have (graceful boy with a Christ-like heart) I beg you as soon as you have done all that you can, leave for Italy and regain your calm, and write those lovely poems which you do with such a strange grace. Do not expose yourself to England ... [continues »]
from the book "" by Oscar Wilde


Posted by: Save a Quote Staff
Monday night, 29 April 1895, S.M. Jail, Holloway


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