Novels by Galileo Galilei

Astronomer, mathematical, physical and philosopher, born saturday february 15, 1564 in Pisa (Italy), died wednesday january 8, 1642 in Arcetri (Italy)
You can find this author also in Quotes & Aphorisms.

It now remains that we find the amount of time of descent through the channel. This we shall obtain from the marvelous property of the pendulum, which is that it makes all its vibrations, large or small, in equal times. This requires, once and for all, that two or three or four patient and... [continue to read »]
Galileo Galilei
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    After an injunction had been judicially intimated to me by this Holy Office, to the effect that I must altogether abandon the false opinion that the sun is the center of the world and immovable, and that the earth is not the center of the world, and moves, and that I must not hold, defend, or... [continue to read »]
    Galileo Galilei
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