Quotes by Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin

Revolutionary and political, born friday april 22, 1870 in Ul'janovsk (Russian Federation), died monday january 21, 1924 in Gorki Leninskie (Russian Federation)
You can find this author also in Humor.

Dictatorship is rule based directly upon force and unrestricted by any laws. The revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat is rule won and maintained by the use of violence by the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, rule that is unrestricted by any laws.
Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin
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    Peaceful surrender of power by the bourgeoisie is possible, if it is convinced that resistance is hopeless and if it prefers to save its skin. It is much more likely, of course, that even in small states socialism will not be achieved without civil war, and for that reason the only programme of international social-democracy must be recognition of civil war, though violence is, of course, alien to our ideals.
    Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin
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      We want to achieve a new and better order of society: in this new and better society there must be neither rich nor poor; all will have to work. Not a handful of rich people, but all the working people must enjoy the fruits of their common labour. Machines and other improvements must serve to ease the work of all and not to enable a few to grow rich at the expense of millions and tens of millions of people. This new and better society is called socialist society. The teachings about this society are called socialism.
      Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin
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        All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake "public opinion" for the benefit of the bourgeoisie.
        Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin
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          One clever writer on statecraft correctly said that if it is necessary for the realization of a well-known political goal to perform a series of brutal actions then it is necessary to do them in the most energetic manner and in the shortest time, because masses of people will not tolerate the protracted use of brutality.
          Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin
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