The first kiss.
Is the first sip from the cup of life's nectar, that the goddess filled for us. It's the dividing line between doubt that tangles the spirit and saddens the heart, and the certainty that floods the joy of the self. It's the first beginning of the song of life and the first act of the drama of Man considered in his Idea. It's the unifying bond between the extraneousness of the past and the brightness of the future; the link between the silence of feelings and their unfolded song. It's the word expressed by four lips that declare the heart as a throne, love as a king, and loyalty his crown. It's the tender touch of the delicate fingers of a breeze on a rose's lips, that expresses itself with a satisfied smile and a sweet sigh.
It's the beginning of that magic vibration that transports lovers from a weightful and measureful world to that of dreams and revelations.
It's the union of two odorous flowers; and the mixing of their scents towards the creation of a third soul.
As the first look is like a seed that the goddess threw in the human heart's field, so is the first kiss the first flower on the extremity of the branch on the Tree of Life.



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