Quotes by Alexandre Dumas

Writer and playwright, born saturday july 24, 1802 in Villers-Cotterêts (France), died monday december 5, 1870 in Puys, near Dieppe, Seine-Maritime (France)
You can find this author also in Quotes for Every Occasion.

"My father thought that this action had been miraculously performed. He believed that a benefactor had
arisen from the grave to save us. Oh, it was a touching superstition, monsieur, and although I did not myself believe it, I would not for the world have destroyed my father's faith. How often did he muse over it and pronounce the name of a dear friend, a friend lost to him forever; and on his death-bed, when the near approach of eternity seemed to have illumined his mind with supernatural light, this thought, which had until then been but a doubt, became a conviction, and his last words were, `Maximilian, it was Edmond Dantes!"
Alexandre Dumas
from the book "" by Alexandre Dumas
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    Posted by: Marianna Mansueto
    Never, I swear before god, who sees and hears us in the solemnity of this night, shall my sword touch yours never shall my eye have for you a look of anger never shall my heart have a pulsation of hatred. We have lived together, hated and loved together, have spilt blood, and perhaps, I will add also, there is between us a tie more powerful than that of friendship-the compact of crime; for we have condemned, judged and executed a human being whom we had not perhaps the right of sending out of the world, although she seemed to belong to hell rather than this world. D'Artagan, I have always loved you as my son. Porthos we have slept ten years side by side; Aramis is your brother as he is mine-for Aramis has loved you as I love you still, As I shall love you always. What is Mazarin to us, when we managed to force the hand and heart of a man like Richelieu?
    Who is this or that prince to us when we consolidated the crown on a queen's head?
    Alexandre Dumas
    from the book "" by Alexandre Dumas
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      Posted by: Edmond Dantès
      Athos was of the opinion that everyone should've had their free choice. He never gave advice without being asked again and one had to also ask him twice. Generally - he said- advice is only asked to not be followed, or, if it has been followed to have someone to reproach for having given bad advice.
      Alexandre Dumas
      from the book "" by Alexandre Dumas
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        Posted by: Daduncolo
        When in my long journeys, when still I was a man, and when this free and powerful man gave orders to other men, which were executed, I saw the sky cover up, the sea tremble and murmur, the hurricane being born from a point in the sky, and like a giant eagle beating with its wings the two horizions, and then I felt that my ship wasn't but an impotent refuge, for then, light as a feather in a giant's hand, it shivered and froze.
        Alexandre Dumas
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