The best quotes by Charles Bukowski

Poet and writer, born monday august 16, 1920 in Andernach (Germany), died wednesday march 9, 1994 in San Pedro, Los Angeles, California (United States)
You can find this author also in Poems, in Humor and in Novels.

Posted by: sagea
They run as if they had a fire under their backsides seeking for something they can't find.
It's basically fear of facing oneself,
it's basically fear of being alone.
Instead I fear the crowd...
Charles Bukowski
Written on monday october 24, 2011
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    Posted by: Andrew Ricooked
    You're so fucking corny. It's obvious you have to feel something, it's innate. If you stay there thinking about it too much you'll start thinking it's love. Have you seen wht happens to men that love? They lose love and then they're left with fuck at all.
    Charles Bukowski
    Written on tuesday october 4, 2011
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      Posted by: mikele74
      The flesh covers the bone
      and they put a mind
      in there and
      sometimes a soul,
      and the women break
      vases against the walls
      and the men drink too
      and nobody finds the
      but keep
      crawling in and out
      of beds.
      Flesh covers
      the bone and the
      flesh searches
      for more than

      There's no chance
      at all:
      we are all trapped
      by a singular

      Nobody ever finds
      the one.

      The city dumps fill
      the junkyards fill
      the madhouses fill
      the hospitals fill
      the graveyards fill

      nothing else
      Charles Bukowski
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