Citations by Hermann Hesse

Poet, writer, aphorist and philosopher, Nobel prize for literature, born monday july 2, 1877 in Calw, Württemberg (Germany), died thursday august 9, 1962 in Montagnola (Switzerland)
You can find this author also in Poems.

Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
The young girl totally absorbed me, without me joining the general conversation. I felt her living and moving like surrounded by a gentle music, and the delicate, deep fascination of her being encircled me dense, sweet and strong like the scent of a flower. As much as good this was for me, I could feel without a doubt that seeing her could not calm me and satisfy me and that the pain, if I would be again separated from her, would have become much more excruciating. In the delicate person of her, my fate and the flourishing spring of my life seemed to look at me, that I had to grab and to hold, because they would nevercome back. It was not a physical desire of kisses and of a night of love...It was more a pleased confidence that in that dear figure my destiny wanted to meet me, and that the spirit of her was friend to me, and that my happiness had also to be hers.
Hermann Hesse
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    I do not believe those poets, from whose head, as the saying goes, pop out the finished-sounding verses like armored goddesses. I know how much innermost life and how much red lifeblood of any single real verse must have been drinking before he could stand on his feet and can walk.
    Hermann Hesse
    from the book "" by Hermann Hesse
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