Aphorisms by Jean-Paul Malfatti

Born monday june 30, 1986 (Italy)
You can find this author also in Humor, in Novels, in Quotes for Every Occasion and in .

Posted by: Jean-Paul Malfatti
A quick check of the facts is enough to show that (almost) all nowadays politicians and governments are true hypocrites, liers, demagogues and usurpers. They are used to playing with common people lives, by ignoring pandemics and convincing half the country to do the same.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
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    Posted by: Jean-Paul Malfatti
    The thinking that pandemics is already under control or will come to an end soon, is such a big mistake or a total lack of information. The threatening is still going on and may last for a quite a few more months.
    Jean-Paul Malfatti
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