Quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre

Philosopher, writer, playwright, literary critic and activist , born wednesday june 21, 1905 in Paris (France), died tuesday april 15, 1980 in Paris (France)
You can find this author also in Poems and in Humor.

We were too light, Electra. Now our feet press down in the earth like the wheels of a cart in its groove. Come with me, and we will walk heavily, bending under the weight of our heavy load.
Jean-Paul Sartre
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    The object does not possess being, and its existence is not a participation in being, nor any other kind of relation. It is. That is the only way to define its manner of being; the object does not hide being, but neither does it reveal being.
    Jean-Paul Sartre
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      A city is a material and social organisation which derives its reality from the ubiquity of its absence. It is present in each one of its streets insofar as it is always elsewhere, and the myth of the capital with its mysteries demonstrates well that the opaqueness of direct human relations comes from this fact, that they are always conditioned by all others.
      Jean-Paul Sartre
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