Quotes by Jonathan Swift

Poet and writer, born wednesday november 30, 1667 in No. 7, Hoey's Court, Dublin (Ireland), died tuesday october 19, 1745 in Dublin (Ireland)
You can find this author also in Poems, in Humor and in Novels.

Hypocrisy is much more eligible than open infidelity and vice: it wears the livery of religion, and is cautious of giving scandal: nay, continued disguises are too great a constraint; men would leave off their vices rather than undergo the toil of practising them in private.
Jonathan Swift
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    Temperance, industry, and a public spirit, running through the whole body of the people in Holland, hath preserved an infant commonwealth of a sickly constitution, through so many dangers as a much more healthy one could never have struggled against without those advantages.
    Jonathan Swift
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      If God should please to reveal unto us this great mystery of the Holy Trinity, or some other mysteries in our holy religion, we should not be able to understand them unless he would bestow on us some new faculties of the mind.
      Jonathan Swift
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        Several clergymen, otherwise little fond of obscure terms, are in their sermons very liberal of all those which they find in ecclesiastical writers, as if it were our duty to understand them.
        Jonathan Swift
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