Quotes by Wystan Hugh Auden

Poet, born thursday february 21, 1907 in York (United Kingdom), died saturday september 29, 1973 in Vienna (Austria)
You can find this author also in Poems.

Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.
Wystan Hugh Auden
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    Machines have no political opinions, but they have profound political effects. They demand a strict regimentation of time, and, by abolishing the need for manual skill, have transformed the majority of the population from workers into laborers. There are, that is to say, fewer and fewer jobs which a man can find a pride and satisfaction in doing well, more and more which have no interest in themselves and can be valued only for the money they provide.
    Wystan Hugh Auden
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      I never write when I'm drunk. Why should one need aids? The muse is a high-spirited girl who doesn't like to be brutally or coarsely wooed. And she doesn't like slavish devotion, then she lies.
      Wystan Hugh Auden
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        I said earlier that I do not believe an artist's life throws much light upon his works. I do believe, however, that, more often than most people realize, his works may throw light upon his life. An artist with certain imaginative ideas in his head may then involve himself in relationships which are congenial to them.
        Wystan Hugh Auden
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          A poet, qua poet, has only one political duty, namely, in his own writing to set an example of the correct use of his mother tongue, which is always being corrupted. When words lose their meaning, physical force takes over.
          Wystan Hugh Auden
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            The poet who writes "free" verse is like Robinson Crusoe on his desert island: he must do all his cooking, laundry and darning for himself. In a few exceptional cases, this manly independence produces something original and impressive, but more often the result is squalor, dirty sheets on the unmade bed and empty bottles on the unswept floor.
            Wystan Hugh Auden
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