Posted by: Susanna Scarlata
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Friend)
Someone who sooner or later comes back is always there. But feeling, that one of long ago that doesn't come back. It lags behind, like a photo, reminding of the beauty that lulled us. Time opens the eyes, those who left deserve to b left where, in our pain, decided to stay.
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    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Friend)
    Life is a constant ensemble of constant ties, ties of every sort. The best way to live well is being loved by all, respectng and being respected in every situation. A true friend understands what you have only by looking in your eyes. If you think you're no one stay with me and you'll definately be someone for me.
    Written on monday september 10, 2012
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      Posted by: scricciolo
      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Friend)
      Friend is that unpronounced word that flows from a look and embraces you like a second skin.
      It's that silent being that enters the soul and makes you feel all the power of its presence,
      it's that smile that with a delicate touch knocks on the heart's doors waiting for them to open,
      it's that walking together leaving spaces for the soul to breathe,
      it's that waiting without fretting for you to reaquire strength,
      it's that respecting the subsiding welcoming tears into his heart to take some of the weight,
      it's never asking why of a silence but transferring it to the soul to decipher the origin and to give life to understanding,
      it's that never-looked-for contact that you find everytime you tend your hand.
      Friend is that light breath that refreshes and frees the mind when thoughts oppress it.
      Written on monday august 13, 2012
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        Posted by: © Dany ©
        in Quotes & Aphorisms (Friend)
        Finding a true hand ready to sacrifice itself to save you, isn't easy, but once found, even the most impossible ravine to climb doesn't scare, that hand is always ready to keep your weight, nothing is scary anymore.
        Written on saturday july 21, 2012
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