Posted by: Marco Giannetti
in Quotes & Aphorisms (Philosophy)
We can't expect things to change, if we continue doing the same things.
Crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations, because crisis brings on progress.
Creativity is born from anxiety like the day is born from the dark night.
It's in crisis that inventive, discoveries and great strategies rise.
He who overcomes a crisis overcomes himself without being "Overcome".
He who blames his failures and difficulties to crisis, rapes his own talent and gives more importance to problems that to solutions.
The true crisis is the crisis of incompetence.
The inconvenience of people and Nations is the laziness in searching for solutions and exit routes.
Without crisis there aren't challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow agony.
Without crisis there is no merit.
It's in crisis that the best of us emerges, because without crisis all the winds are but slight breezes.
Talking of crisis means incrementing it and hushing in crisis means exalting conformism, instead, we work hard.
Let's stop it once and for all with the only dangerous crisis,
which is the tragedy of not wanting to fight to overcome it.
Written on friday february 10, 2012
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    Posted by: Vincenzo Cataldo
    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Philosophy)
    As anyone can tell you, I'm not an agreeable person: I don't even know what that means. I've always admired the baddies, the outlaws, the sons of bitches. I don't like perfectly shaven men, with a tie and a good job. I like desperate men, with broken teeth, with the brain in pieces and a disgusting life. I'm interested in them. They're full of surprises. I also have a small spot for sluts, for those who get drunk and swear, that have loose tights and smudged make-up. I'm more interested in perverts than saints. I relax with stoners because I'm a stoner too. I don't like laws, morale, religions, rules. I don't want to be moulded by society.
    Written on monday september 26, 2011
    from the book "" by Charles Bukowski
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