Novels by Ivan Illich

Writer, historian, educator and philosopher, born saturday september 4, 1926 in Vienna (Austria), died monday december 2, 2002 in Bremen (Germany)
You can find this author also in Quotes & Aphorisms.

Jesus was an anarchist savior. That's what the Gospels tell us.
Just before He started out on His public life, Jesus went to the desert. He fasted, and after 40 days he was hungry. At this point the diabolos, appeared to tempt Him. First he asked Him to turn stone into bread, then to prove... [continue to read »]
Ivan Illich
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    The habitual passenger cannot grasp the folly of traffic based overwhelmingly on transport. His inherited perceptions of space and time and of personal pace have been industrially deformed. He has lost the power to conceive of himself outside the passenger role. Addicted to being carried along... [continue to read »]
    Ivan Illich
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