Novels by Søren Aabye Kierkegaard

Philosopher and theologian, born wednesday may 5, 1813 in Copenaghen (Denmark), died sunday november 11, 1855 in Copenaghen (Denmark)
You can find this author also in Quotes & Aphorisms.

But it never occurred to him to want to be a philosopher, or dedicate himself to Speculation; he was still too fickle for that. True, he was not drawn now to one thing and now to another – thinking was and remained his passion – but he still lacked the self-discipline required for acquiring a... [continue to read »]
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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    There was a time, and not so long ago, when one could score a success also here with a bit of irony, which compensated for all other deficiencies and helped one get through the world rather respectably, gave one the appearance of being cultured, of having a perspective on life, an understanding... [continue to read »]
    Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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      When it is stated in Genesis that God said to Adam, "Only from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you must not eat," it follows as a matter of course that Adam really has not understood this word, for how could he understand the difference between good and evil when this distinction... [continue to read »]
      Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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        In hidden inwardness all are Christians; who would dare deny this? Anyone who would take it upon himself to deny it surely runs the risk of wanting to play the knower of hearts. So no one can deny it. That everyone is Christian in hidden inwardness is in this way a secretiveness that is almost... [continue to read »]
        Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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          If a person is unwilling to make a decisive resolution, if he wants to cheat God of the heart's daring venture in which a person ventures way out and loses sight of all shrewdness and probability, indeed, takes leave of his senses or at least all his worldly mode of thinking, if instead of... [continue to read »]
          Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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            In vain do individual great men seek to mint new concepts and to set them in circulation — it is pointless. They are used for only a moment, and not by many, either, and they merely contribute to making the confusion even worse, for one idea seems to have become the fixed idea of the age: to get... [continue to read »]
            Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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              Once in his early youth a man allowed himself to be so far carried away in an overwrought irresponsible state as to visit a prostitute. It is all forgotten. Now he wants to get married. Then anxiety stirs. He is tortured day and night with the thought that he might possibly be a father, that... [continue to read »]
              Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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                Only the person himself understands that he is guilty. The person who does not understand it this way still misunderstands; and the person who does understand it will find the harsh or gentle or quickly sympathizing explanation, according to what he has deserved.... And you, my listener, you of... [continue to read »]
                Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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                  The person who wishes also seeks, but his seeking is in the dark, not so much in regard to the object of the wish as in regard to his not knowing whether he is getting closer to it or further away. Among the many goods there is one that is the highest, that is not defined by its relation to the... [continue to read »]
                  Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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                    The intoxication of self-feeling is the most intense, and the height of this intoxication is most admired. Love and friendship are the very height of self-feeling, the I intoxicated in the other-I. The more securely the two I's come together to become one I, the more this united I selfishly cuts... [continue to read »]
                    Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
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