Foreign Language Poems

Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
The Spirit lasts - but in what mode
Below, the Body speaks,
But as the Spirit furnishes
Apart, it never talks
The Music in the Violin
Does not emerge alone
But Arm in Arm with Touch, yet Touch
Alone - is not a Tune
The Spirit lurks within the Flesh
Like Tides within the Sea
That make the Water live, estranged
What would the Either be?
Does that know - now - or does it cease
That which to this is done,
Resuming at a mutual date
With every future one?
Instinct pursues the Adamant,
Exacting this Reply,
Adversity if it may be,
Or wild Prosperity,
The Rumor's Gate was shut so tight
Before my Mind was sown,
Not even a Prognostic's Push
Could make a Dent thereon.
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    Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
    in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
    Forever honored be the Tree
    Whose Apple Winterworn
    Enticed to Breakfast from the Sky
    Two Gabriels Yestermorn -
    They registered in Nature's Book
    As Robins - Sire and Son -
    But Angels have that modest way
    To screen them from Renown.
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      Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
      in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
      To see her is a picture
      To hear her is a Tune
      To know her an intemperance
      As innocent as June
      By which to be undone
      Is dearer than Redemption -
      Which never to receive
      Makes mockery of melody
      It might have been to live.
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        Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
        in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
        To see her is a Picture -
        To hear her is a Tune -
        To know her an Intemperance
        As innocent as June -
        To know her not - Affliction -
        To own her for a Friend
        A warmth as near as if the Sun
        Were shining in your Hand.
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          Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
          in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
          Her Losses make our Gains ashamed.
          She bore Life's empty Pack
          As gallantly as if the East
          Were swinging at her Back -
          Life's empty Pack is heaviest,
          As every Porter knows -
          In vain to punish Honey -
          It only sweeter grows.
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