Foreign Language Poems

Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
With Pinions of Disdain
The soul can farther fly
Than any feather specified
in - Ornithology -
It wafts this sordid Flesh
Beyond it's dull - control
And during it's electric gale -
The body is - a soul -
instructing by itself -
How little work it be -
To put off filaments like this
for immortality.
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    Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
    in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
    As every flower fades and as all youth
    Departs, so life at every stage,
    So every virtue, so our grasp of truth,
    Blooms in its day and may not last forever.
    Since life may summon us at every age
    Be ready, heart, for parting, new endeavor,
    Be ready bravely and without remorse
    To find new light that old ties cannot give.
    In all beginnings dwells a magic force
    For guarding us and helping us to live.
    Serenely let us move to distant places
    And let no sentiments of home detain us.
    The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us
    But lifts us stage by stage to wider spaces.
    If we accept a home of our own making,
    Familiar habit makes for indolence.
    We must prepare for parting and leave-taking
    Or else remain the slave of permanence.
    Even the hour of our death may send
    Us speeding on to fresh and newer spaces,
    And life may summon us to newer races.
    So be it, heart: bid farewell without end.
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      Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
      in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
      Poets to come! Orators, singers, musicians to come!
      Not to-day is to justify me and answer what I am for,
      but you, a new brood, native, athletic, continental, greater than before known,
      Arouse! For you must justify me.
      I myself but write one or two indicative words for the future,
      I but advance a moment only to wheel and hurry back in the darkness,
      I am a man who, sauntering along without fully stopping, turns a casual look upon you
      And then averts his face,
      Leaving it to you to prove and define it,
      Expecting the main things from you.
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        Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
        in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
        Demons and Wonders
        Winds and Tides
        Yet in the distance the sea has withdrawn
        Demons and Wonders
        Winds and Tides
        And you
        Like a seaweed the wind gently caresses
        In the sands of your bed you're
        moving dreaming
        Demons and Wonders
        Winds and Tides
        Yet in the distance the sea has withdrawn
        But in your half-opened eyes
        Two small waves staid
        Demons and Wonders
        Winds and Tides
        Two small waves to drown myself.
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          Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
          in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
          Endow the Living - with the Tears -
          You squander on the Dead,
          And They were Men and Women - now,
          Around Your Fireside -
          Instead of Passive Creatures,
          Denied the Cherishing
          Till They - the Cherishing deny -
          With Death's Etherial Scorn.
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            Posted by: Maresa Schembri
            in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
            The bull does not know you, nor the fig tree,
            nor the horses, nor the ants in your own house.
            The child and the afternoon do not know you
            because you have died for ever.
            The back of the stone does not know you,
            nor the black stain in which you crumble.
            Your silent memory does not know you
            because you have died for ever.
            The autumn will come with small white snails,
            misty grapes and with clustered hills,
            but no one will look into your eyes
            because you have died for ever.
            Because you have died for ever,
            like all the death of the Earth,
            like all the dead who are forgotten
            in a heap of lifeless dogs.
            Nobody knows you. No. But I sing of you.
            For posterity I sing of your profile and grace.
            Of the signal maturity of your understanding.
            Of your appetite for death and the taste of its mouth.
            Of the sadness of your once valient gaiety.
            It will be a long time, if ever, before there is born
            an Andalusian so true, so rich in adventure.
            I sing of his elegance with words that groan,
            and I remember a sad breeze through the olive trees.
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              Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
              in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
              We do not play on Graves -
              Because there is'nt Room -
              Besides - it isn't even - it slants
              And People come -
              And put a Flower on it -
              And hang their faces so -
              We're fearing that their Hearts will drop -
              And crush our pretty play -
              And so we move as far
              As Enemies - away -
              Just looking round to see how far
              It is - Occasionally.
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                Posted by: Silvana Stremiz
                in Poems (Foreign Language Poems)
                Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord,
                Then, I am ready to go!
                Just a look at the Horses -
                Rapid! That will do!
                Put me in on the firmest side -
                So I shall never fall -
                For we must ride to the Judgment -
                And it's partly, down Hill -
                But never I mind the steepest -
                And never I mind the Sea -
                Held fast in Everlasting Race -
                By my own Choice, and Thee -
                Goodbye to the Life I used to live -
                And the World I used to know -
                And kiss the Hills, for me, just once -
                Now - I am ready to go!
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