The best quotes by Benito Mussolini

Politician, dictator and founder of fascist moviment, born sunday july 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio (Italy), died saturday april 28, 1945 in Giulino di Mezzegra (Italy)
You can find this author also in Humor.

Posted by: Violina Sirola
Politics is a very hard art amongst the hard because works with untouchable matter, more fluctuating, more uncertain. Politics works on men's spirits, that are entities even harder to define, because they're changeable. Very changeable is the Italian spirit. When I'll cease to be, I'm sure historians, and psychologists will wonder how a man managed to trail behind himself for twenty years a nation such as the Italian one. If I hadn't done anything else you'd only need this work of art to not be buried in nothingness.
Benito Mussolini
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