Quotes by Franz Kafka

Writer and aphorist, born tuesday july 3, 1883 in Prague (Czech Republic), died tuesday june 3, 1924 in Vienna (Austria)
You can find this author also in Quotes for Every Occasion.

Now the Sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence. Someone might possibly have escaped from their singing; but from their silence, certainly never.
Franz Kafka
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    Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate... but with his other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins.
    Franz Kafka
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      The way is infinitely long, nothing of it can be subtracted, nothing can be added, and yet everyone applies his own childish yardstick to it. Certainly, this yard of the way you still have to go, too, and it will be accounted unto you.
      Franz Kafka
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