Quotes by Konrad Lorenz

Zoologist and ethologist, born saturday november 7, 1903 in Vienna (Austria), died monday february 27, 1989 in Vienna (Austria)

The scientist who considers himself absolutely "objective" and believes that he can free himself from the compulsion of the "merely" subjective should try, only in imagination of course, to kill in succession a lettuce, a fly, a frog, a guineapig, a cat, a dog, and finally a chimpanzee. He will then be aware how increasingly difficult murder becomes as the victim's level of organisation rises. The degree of inhibition against killing each one of these beings is a very precise measure for the considerably different values that we cannot help attributing to lower and higher forms of life. To any man who finds it equally easy to chop up a live dog and a live lettuce I would recommend suicide at his earliest convenience!
Konrad Lorenz
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    I now come to the third great obstacle to human self-knowledge, to the belief, deeply rooted in our western culture, that what can be explained in terms of natural science has no values. This belief springs from an exaggeration of Kant's values-philosophy, the consequence of the idealistic dichotomy of the world into the external world of things and the internal laws of human reason.
    Konrad Lorenz
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      All the advantages that man has gained from his ever-deepening understanding of the natural world that surrounds him, his technological, chemical and medical progress, all of which should seem to alleviate human suffering, tends instead to favor humanity's destruction.
      The competition between human beings destroys with cold and diabolic brutality. Under the pressure of this competitive fury we have not only forgotten what is useful to humanity as a whole, but even that which is good and advantageous to the individual. One asks, which is more damaging to modern humanity: the thirst for money or consuming haste. In either case, fear plays a very important role: the fear of being overtaken by one's competitors, the fear of becoming poor, the fear of making wrong decisions or the fear of not being up to snuff.
      Konrad Lorenz
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        All too willingly man sees himself as the centre of the universe, as something not belonging to the rest of nature but standing apart as a different and higher being. Many people cling to this error and remain deaf to the wisest command ever given by a sage, the famous "Know thyself" inscribed in the temple of Delphi.
        Konrad Lorenz
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          Nothing can better express the feelings of the scientist towards the great unity of the laws of nature than in Immanuel Kant's words: "Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing awe: the stars above me and the moral law within me." Would he, who did not yet know of the evolution of the world of organisms, be shocked that we consider the moral law within us not as something given, a priori, but as something which has arisen by natural evolution, just like the laws of the heavens?
          Konrad Lorenz
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            Human aggression is instinctual. Humans have not evolved any ritualized aggression inhibiting mechanisms to ensure the survival of the species. For this reason man is considered a very dangerous animal.
            Konrad Lorenz
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