Quotes by Mick Jagger

Songwriter, musician and actor, Rolling Stones frontman, born monday july 26, 1943 in Dartford, Kent (United Kingdom)
You can find this author also in Quotes for Every Occasion.

If we were bored to death, honestly I don't think we would do it. We do enjoy ourselves doing it. Everyone has been saying, How come they can enjoy themselves? They should be bored to death doing this. We're still having a lot of fun.
Mick Jagger
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    There are very few old people who are happy. When their minds stop thinking about the present and the future and stay wrapped in the past, they are awfully dull. I don't want old dears saying, How old do you think I am? 48? No, I'm 78 and I've got all your records! Then I think it's time they should grow up!
    Mick Jagger
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      The '50s were the beginnings of a consumer revolution. A few books like Absolute Beginners give a reasonably accurate flavor of the period if you weren't there or can't quite remember; I was very young.
      Mick Jagger
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        I was always a singer. I always sang as a child. I was one of those kids who just liked to sing. Some children sing in choirs; others like to show off in front of the mirror. I was in the church choir and I also loved listening to singers onthe radio, the bbc or Radio Luxembourg, or watching them on tv and in the movies.
        Mick Jagger
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          In the year 2000, no one will be arrested for drugs and those sort of things. It will be laughable, just like it would be laughable if people were still hanged for stealing sheep. These things have to be changed, but it takes maniacs obsessed with individual microcosmic issues to bring it about. I could get ever so obsessed about the drugs thing, and if I really worked hard at it, I might perhaps speed up the process of reform by perhaps ten years or five years or perhaps only six months. But I don't feel that it's important enough.
          Mick Jagger
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            I think a lot of young people have started something and we're never going to finish it. I think maybe kids went too far in their faith in it. They expected it to be everything, to express all they feel and do.
            Mick Jagger
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              I was thinking about this the other day, and I don't really think I was suited to heavy drug behavior, to be perfectly honest. But I don't mind talking about it. It's hard to believe that you did so many drugs for so long. That's what I find really hard. And I didn't really consider it. You know, it was eating and drinking and taking drugs and having sex. It was just part of life. It wasn't really anything special. It was just a bit of a bore, really. Everyone took drugs the whole time, and you were out of it the whole time. It wasn't a special event.
              Mick Jagger
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