The best quotes by Rossana Merlino

Born (Italy)

Posted by: Roxy91
You face fears. You face everything. You must never run away, for nothing and no one. It's not by running or hiding that you resolve things! If you want to get out of any situation, the right solution is never to evade from it... simply, because sooner or later, in a day's time, a month, a year, you'll smack your face in it; Only then do you realize that you haven't resolved anything! You must act from the base... You must take it from the roots, starting from where it all started. It's like when you have a cavity in a molar and you don't want to go to the dentist's; You let it crumble slowly, until it falls by itself, and, once it's fallen you think that you've resolved the problem! Right? Noooo! Wrong! It wasn't the tooth that was ill. The root was infected! And if not today, you'll start feeling the pain again tomorrow. You know why? Because you were afraid! You were afraid of going to the dentist's so you hid! You forgot about it and the root remained there; you put it to sleep with painkillers. But what next? Sooner or later the effect will die down and whatever you put to sleep will take you on with overbearingness.
Rossana Merlino
Written on tuesday may 15, 2012
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    Posted by: Roxy91
    You must look over.
    You must, not "look", but know how to look with the "eyes of your heart"!
    You must, not "hear", but listen to the voice that comes from the deepest part of the soul.
    If every time you have to listen to the heart's voice, you'll continue to close your ears, you can be certain: "you'll never do anything"!
    Rossana Merlino
    Written on friday september 7, 2012
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