Quotes by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Composer, pianist, organist and violinist, born tuesday january 27, 1756 in Salzburg (Austria), died monday december 5, 1791 in Vienna (Austria)

Stay with me to-night; you must see me die. I have long had the taste of death on my tongue, I smell death, and who will stand by my Constanze, if you do not stay?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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    It is a mistake to think that the practice of my art has become easy to me. I assure you, dear friend, no one has given so much care to the study of composition as I. There is scarcely a famous master in music whose works I have not frequently and diligently studied.
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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      It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion.
      Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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