The best quotes by Giovanni Di Blasi

Born (Italy)
You can find this author also in Quotes for Every Occasion.

Posted by: Daline98
I dreamt so much of you, that in the end I can't understand where the dream ends and reality begins. You can define a dream who occupies your nights and the greater part of your thoughts? I believe you just need to give it a name, and I chose yours.
Giovanni Di Blasi
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    Posted by: Daline98
    He who manages to transfer to letters of word his thoughts and dreams, forgetting the fear of being misunderstood or mocked, that man is the absolute master of his felings and his emotions.
    Giovanni Di Blasi
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      Posted by: Daline98
      There's who throws life away in a moment and who in that moment builds his fortune. There's who hopes to always get there first and who prays for someone to take his place. There's who is always thirsty or knowledge and who thinks to already know everything. There's who has many friends without looking for them and who even when looking shall never find any. There's who always wakes up with a smile, not having anything and who, having everything, never smiles.
      Giovanni Di Blasi
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        Posted by: Daline98
        I also live for you who are not here anymore, for you that if you were here you'd give a smile, for you who left an emptiness in those who love you, for you that lost life, for you who have everything to become an angel.
        Giovanni Di Blasi
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          Posted by: Daline98
          Your way of seeing life helps you conquer all suffering, taking the good side of every negative situation and then on starting on a quest of self discovery and a discovery of your happiness.
          Giovanni Di Blasi
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            Posted by: Daline98
            Have you had a disappointment? I won't tell you to take it with philosophy and to not think of it anymore, it wouln't be right, but once the time enough for suffering is over, open your eyes and for who, somewhere in the world, is only waiting to find you.
            Giovanni Di Blasi
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              Posted by: Daline98
              Everything starts almost as a game. A question, with a due answer. The need to tell each other every day more, until the moment when, the wish to get to know each other takes life. Virtually everything seems easy, behind a monitor sentences like "I can't be without you anymore" are typical. Reality is different, to look in one's eyes and to say "where have you been until now, my life was empty without you" and to want to stop time the moment when two lips meet and two hearts beat as one.
              Giovanni Di Blasi
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