Quotes by Giovanni Di Blasi

Born (Italy)
You can find this author also in Quotes for Every Occasion.

Posted by: Daline98
I've always asked myself how Luck decides to choose where to place her hand. Ok, she might be blindfolded, but she just doesn't seem to get it right! They make selections for anythings, we might propose one for the blindfolded godess, it might work.
Giovanni Di Blasi
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    Posted by: Daline98
    A tear's short journey, leaves an ever-fixed mark on the soul, mainly in that which dies in the short moment when it's born, even the wind can't blow it away, only who will manage to look inside you may see it and try to dry it.
    Giovanni Di Blasi
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      Posted by: Daline98
      Have you had a disappointment? I won't tell you to take it with philosophy and to not think of it anymore, it wouln't be right, but once the time enough for suffering is over, open your eyes and for who, somewhere in the world, is only waiting to find you.
      Giovanni Di Blasi
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        Posted by: Daline98
        Always smile, even when everything inside you is off, is easy to say. Everyone should always take out things they have in their heart, may it be sadness or joy, anger or happiness, or anything else. Keeping everything locked up inside isn't healthy, around us there is surely someone willing to listen to our frustrations or to share our best moments, you just have to look with the eyes of your heart.
        Giovanni Di Blasi
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          Posted by: Daline98
          So many dreams to realize, so many projects to finish, when you're young nothing can tarnish you. Then the years pass and you realize that time flew by, our dreams and projects seem unachievable.I believe there isn't an age for dreaming, or making projects. What should never be lost is the love of life, until the last breath.
          Giovanni Di Blasi
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