The best quotes by Mother Teresa

Born friday august 26, 1910 (Albania), died friday september 5, 1997 (India)
You can find this author also in Poems.

Posted by: Andrea Manfrč
The most beautiful day? Today
The biggest hurdle? Fear
The easiest thing? Being wrong
The biggest mistake? Giving up
The root of all evil? Selfishness
The biggest distraction? Work
The worst defeat? Despondency
The best professionals? Children
The first need? Communication
The greatest happiness? Being useful to others
The biggest mistery? Death
The worst flaw? Ill temper
The most dangerous person? The one who lies
The worst feeling? Resentment
The most beautiful gift? Forgiveness
The one you can't do without? Family
The best direction? The right way
The nicest sensation? Internal peace
The best welcome? Optimism
The greatest satisfaction? A done duty
The greatest force? Faith
The most beautiful thing in the world? Love
Mother Teresa
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    Posted by: valentime
    Life is an opportunity, take it.
    Life is beauty, admire it.
    Life is bliss, taste it.
    Life is a dream, make it a reality.
    Life is a challenge, face it.
    Life is a duty, do it.
    Life is a game, play it.
    Life is precious, take care of it.
    Life is a richness, preserve it.
    Life is love, enjoy it.
    Life is a mistery, discover it.
    Life is a promise, keep it.
    Life is sadness, face it.
    Life is a hymn, sing it.
    Life is a fight, live it.
    Life is a joy, savor it.
    Life is a cross, embrace it.
    Life is an adventure, risk it.
    Life is peace, build it.
    Life is happiness, earn it.
    Life is life, defend it.
    Mother Teresa
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      Posted by: *Sweet Melly*
      Love life as it is
      love it fully, without expectations.
      Love it when they love you or hate you.
      Love it when no one understands you,
      or when everyone understands you.
      Love it when everyone abandones you,
      or when they exalt you like a king.
      Love it when they steal everything from you,
      or when they give it.
      Love it when it makes sense
      or when it seems to have none at all.
      Love it in the fullest of joy,
      or in complete solitude.
      Love it whe you're strong,
      or when you feel weak.
      Love it when you're afraid,
      or when you've tons of courage.
      Love it not only for the great pleasures
      and enormous satisfactions;
      love it for the small joys.
      Love it even if doesn't give you what it could,
      love it if it's not as you want it.
      Love it everytime you're born
      and everytime you're about to die.
      Never love without love.
      Never live without life!
      Mother Teresa
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        Find the time to play
        find the time to love
        and to be loved
        find the time to give...
        ... find the time to read
        find the time to be a friend
        find the time to work.
        It's wiseness' brow
        and the road of happinesses.
        Mother Teresa
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