Kids And Children

in Quotes & Aphorisms (Kids And Children)
To each his own. It's one of those things. How you build your family—you have to know what you're capable of handling and how your children will relate to each other. Maybe if you have one child and that child has a lot of needs, you realize you cannot give more attention to another. Sometimes you just know as a parent. We felt we could handle more children, and we have a very happy, very full home.
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    in Quotes & Aphorisms (Kids And Children, Life)
    I have never worked as hard as now. I go for a brief walk in the morning. Then I come home and sit in my room without interruption until about three o'clock. My eyes can barely see. Then with my walking stick in hand I sneak off to the restaurant, but am so weak that I believe that if somebody were to call out my name, I would keel over and die. Then I go home and begin again. In my indolence during the past months I had pumped up a veritable shower bath, and now I have pulled the string and the ideas are cascading down upon me: healthy, happy, merry, gay, blessed children born with ease and yet all of them with the birthmark of my personality.
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      Posted by: catlan
      in Quotes & Aphorisms (Kids And Children)
      As a parent I have a big objective for my son: I don't want him to become a great doctor, a great engineer or a great sportsman. I just want to make sure that he's happy, and in a world of fake happiness, it's not a little thing.
      Written on monday september 24, 2012
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        Posted by: Daline98
        in Quotes & Aphorisms (Kids And Children)
        I've been a son, now I'm father to three splendid creatures. I relive my father's joy when looking in my eyes he understood what a great thing he was able to create, a small being from which to take energy to face the day and life. On my side, I saw a giant ready to defend me from all my fears, he was my source of security and courage. Today I understand better the importance of being a parent and I hope my kids may feel the same feelings I felt, I hope that looking in my eyes they may understand the joy they give me in seeing my life flowing in them.
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